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学術論文  Publications

















































































M. Takada, C. Jiang, Youta SUGAI, M. Hasegawa-Takano, T. Fujiwara, Y. Tsukamoto, Y. Nakajima, Y. Nishimura, S. Yoshizawa (2024)


Draft genome sequences of three rhodopsin possessing Croceitalea sp. strains, isolated from the sea surface microlayer in Japan


Microbiology Resource Announcements, 13, e00038-24



Youta SUGAI, N. Natori, K. Tsuchiya, M. Nakagawa, M. C. Honda, S. Shimode, T. Toda (2023)


Ingestion rate estimated from food concentration and predatory role of copepod nauplii in the microbial food web of temperate embayment waters


Journal of Plankton Research, 45, 325−337



T. Fukuba, S. Goto, M. K. S. Wong, Y. Minegishi, S. Hyodo, Y. Makabe-Kobayashi, Youta SUGAI, K. Hamasaki (2022)


Development and Evaluation of Automated Gene Collector – ATGC-12S for Environmental DNA Sample Archive at Aquatic Environments


OCEANS 2022, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977101, 1−5



Y. Xia, M. Kishi, Youta SUGAI, T. Toda (2022)


Microalgal flocculation and sedimentation: spatiotemporal evaluation of the effects of the pH and calcium concentration


Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 45, 1489−1498



Youta SUGAI, K. Tsuchiya, S. Shimode, T. Toda (2020)


Photochemical Production and Biological Consumption of CO in the SML of Temperate Coastal Waters and Their Implications for Air-Sea CO Exchange


Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, doi: 10.1029/2019JC015505



M. Ohtake, N. Natori, Youta SUGAI, K. Tsuchiya, T. Aketo, G. N. Nishihara, T. Toda (2020)


Growth and nutrient uptake characteristics of Sargassum macrocarpum cultivated with phosphorus-replete wastewater


Aquatic Botany, 163, 103208



K. Tsuchiya, T. Sano, N. Tomioka, A. Kohzu, K. Komatsu, R. Shinohara, N. Takamura, M. Nakagawa, Youta SUGAI, V. S. Kuwahara, T. Toda, H. Fukuda, A. Imai (2019)


Seasonal variability and regulation of bacterial production in a shallow eutrophic lake


Limnology and Oceanography, 64, 2441−2454



Youta SUGAI, K. Tsuchiya, S. Shimode, T. Toda (2018)


Seasonal variations in microbial abundance and transparent exopolymer particle concentration in the sea surface microlayer of temperate coastal waters


Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 81, 201−211



Youta SUGAI, K. Tsuchiya, V. S. Kuwahara, S. Shimode, K. Komatsu, A. Imai, T. Toda (2016)


Bacterial growth rate and the relative abundance of bacteria to heterotrophic nanoflagellates in the euphotic and disphotic layers in temperate coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan


Journal of Oceanography, 72, 577−587


「2018年度 日本海洋学会 奨励論文賞」受賞

Be awarded "Young Author Award 2018 of Oceanographic Society of Japan"

受賞  Awards



























日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会JpGU 2018)において、「学生優秀発表賞」受賞


Be awarded "Outstanding Student Presentation Award" at Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018 (JpGU 2018)



「2018年度 日本海洋学会 奨励論文賞」受賞


Be awarded "Young Author Award 2018 of Oceanographic Society of Japan"



Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association 55ECSA 55)において、「Best Student Oral Presentation Award」受賞


Be awarded "Best Student Oral Presentation Award" at Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association 55 (ECSA 55)



2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting において、「Student Travel Award」受賞


Be awarded "Student Travel Award" at 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting

菅井 洋太
菅井 洋太
菅井 洋太
菅井 洋太

研究費  Research Grants










































































日本学術振興会 科研費 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化 B)【研究分担者】


Ocean Hitchhikers: Remote Sensing Plastic Debris as Vector for Transport of Harmful Microorganisms in Southeast Asia


2022年1月−2024年12月, No. 21KK0194


Fostering Joint International Research (B), Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [Co-Investigator]


January 2022−December 2024, No. 21KK0194



日本学術振興会 科研費 若手研究




2021年4月−2024年3月, No. 21K17874


Grant‐in‐Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Elucidation of bacterial communities and genes which suppress the sea-air emission of carbon monoxide (CO)


April 2021−March 2024, No. 21K17874



日本学術振興会 科研費 特別研究員奨励費




2020年4月−2022年4月, No. 20J00094


Grant‐in‐Aid for JSPS Fellows, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Formation of sea surface microlayer by the atmospheric deposition of aerosol particles and its effect on particle emission to the atmosphere


April 2020−April 2022, No. 20J00094



日本学術振興会 科研費 特別研究員奨励費




2018年4月−2020年3月, No. 18J12093


Grant‐in‐Aid for JSPS Fellows, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Dynamics of carbon monoxide in the sea surface microlayer of temperate coastal waters


April 2018−March 2020, No. 18J12093



日本科学協会 笹川科学研究助成




2016年4月−2017年3月, No. 28-714


Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant, Japan Science Society


Variations in microbial community structure and the abundance of functional genes related to the production and consumption of greenhouse gases in the sea surface microlayer (SML) of temperate coastal waters


April 2016−March 2017, No. 28‐714

Last Updated
in Feb. 2023

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